
Customer Testimonial

S&K did a good job with our door installations recently. But it was really Kyle who impressed us the most as he graciously returned two days after installations and took care of some additional clean up work for us. He even went so far as…

A Kitchen Remodel Success Story

Kitchen Remodel Success Story Rose writes, S&K saved my house. They came in and gutted my kitchen. I went from hating to even go in my kitchen to not wanting to leave. They not only did a fabulous job, they were professional and honest.…

Window Installation Testimonial

A+ Service Review Valerie writes, I just want to compliment your installers, John and Nick. They did a great job and were the nicest young men, so pleasant and polite. We have had a lot of different contractors out lately for different projects…

Another Satisfied Customer

Testimonial A+ Service Review   Linda writes, My husband and I are very satisfied with the service we received from your company. The installers were very courteous and knowledgeable. They called before arriving to let us know they…

Patio Door Testimonial

Hello Mrs. Bow, I'm so glad the rain didn't stop the installation of my patio door.  The gentlemen call due to traffic, which I advised them to take their time I'm home all day. The installation process was just great. The gentlemen was…

Window Testimonial

Just wanted to let you know that your installation team was fantastic!  They came up with a creative way to replace our picture window that minimized damage to the existing custom framing and did a great job putting in the new window.  Not…

Renovation Testimonial

Steven, we are thrilled with the renovation you and your team did for us!  The remodeled bathrooms (3), hardwood floors, built-in bookcases, recessed lighting and windows, and replaced deck are all perfect!  Everything looks absolutely…

Bathroom Testimonial

Here's another testimonial from a happy customer! Mr. Bowen, I wanted to take a moment and tell you what an excellent job your team did in remodeling our down stairs bathroom. Your team arrived on time on the start date and finished…

Shower Testimonial

Here's a quote from a very happy customer. - Shower Testimonial "Working with S&K has been the most wonderful experience I could have ever imagined to have.  From day one they were thorough and explained everything in detail of the work…